Right now, our style is a little bland.

Sphinx on the Mac will add a default style called “alabaster”.

Sphinx on our ubuntu install left it as basic.

This is easy to fix by providing a few more style sheets and changing our config file.

Working from the EC2 instance, the following files are required:

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install sphinxjp.themes.basicstrap
sudo pip install sphinx_bootstrap_theme

Working from your Mac or Windows, these files can be downloaded through git. When sphinx is installed, it automatically updates python.

Sphinx install directions: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/install.html#mac-os-x-install-sphinx-using-macports Sphinxjp.themes.basicstrap: https://github.com/tell-k/sphinxjp.themes.basicstrap Sphinx_bootstrap_theme: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinx-bootstrap-theme/

Now we need to change our theme to basic strap and choose from one of the options available on this website:


It has a very nice interactive viewer so you can decide which one you prefer.

I have chosen the “superhero” theme, so my websites can have superpowers. You can substitute “superhero” below with your preferred theme name from bootswatch.

7. Changing the Theme on the Local Computer or Remotely on the EC2

Choose this option if you want to create html pages on your computer for upload to a url that you own, or to preview the look of a page once it gets transferred to readthedocs.org via githbub or bitbucket.

nano ~/Tutorial/source/conf.py

Find the html_extensions line and replace the one line with two:

#html_theme = 'default'
extensions = ['sphinxjp.themes.basicstrap']
html_theme = 'basicstrap'

Scroll down to the next paragraph, uncomment the html_theme_options and put the desired style in to the text.

#html_theme_options = {}
html_theme_options = {
  'inner_theme': True,
  'inner_theme_name': 'bootswatch-superhero',

Let’s rebuild our webpage and take a look at it now.

cd ~/Tutorial
make html

Open your local html file or bring your new html to the desktop by scp from the remote EC2 instance. This has to be done from your local terminal to work. Open a new terminal window separate from your EC2 instance and do not log into the EC2 instance before running this command. This is easier to do on a Windows machine if you have OpenSSH or another terminal program already installed.

Example for scp:

scp -i ~/Desktop/reST.pem ubuntu@ec2-54-166-128-20.compute-1.amazonaws.com:/Tutorial/* ~/Desktop/

You will need to specify the location of your .pem file and your instance address.

Webhooks and Automation